Wednesday, December 29, 2010

the renaissance...

Sorrow's dead,
love's bein bred.
in the heart of hearts...
it's spreading al over, it's become a season :)
the desire n love, for love is the only reason...

it's breaking open the 'till-then' closed pores of my heart,
very beautifully, like a 'yet-to-be-named' art...
it's beautiful,
it's joyous,
it's colourful,
i want it to be the basis of my living....
i want it to be the basis on my life :)


  1. Subbi Its so nice.... I love it.....
    "i want it to be the basis of my living....
    i want it to be the basis on my life :) "

    Keep writing...

  2. :)... i'm getting so much excited :)

  3. It's really good!! :D Keep writing!! :)
